56 Years and Counting: Knights of Columbus Spread Holiday Cheer at Saint John’s Hospice

We all have a holiday tradition that we look forward to every year. But, do you ever stop and ask yourself when that tradition started? Or how?
Each holiday season, The Knights of Columbus (K of C) Philadelphia Chapter visits Saint John’s Hospice (SJH) of Catholic Social Services to provide hot meals to its residents and surrounding community members who are experiencing homelessness. The local organization has been performing this act of charity since 1968 – five years after SJH was founded.
“It was started by a gentleman by the name of Bill Lennox,” said Nick Marcantonio Jr., K of C Philadelphia Chapter vice president (and former president), referring to his predecessor. “He has done a lot for a lot of organizations. One day in 1968 he and the Knights came to serve at SJH when the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd were running it.”
The rest, as they say, is history. Fifty-six years later, K of C continues to visit SJH to serve hot meals to vulnerable individuals. The Philadelphia Chapter visits SJH three times a year – around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
This past Thanksgiving, K of C served nearly 200 community members experiencing homelessness at SJH. They also served a Christmas meal on Sunday, Dec. 22. Marcantonio helps coordinate this thrice-a-year effort.
“We enjoy coming down and helping out,” he said. “I love being able to help people. It’s that and the camaraderie that my brothers and I all have. Somebody needs something, and we find a way to get it done for them.”
“It’s become a wonderful tradition for the Knights to put their faith in action by providing meals for our men and women who otherwise would not have a meal on special occasions,” said Barry Martin, SJH Program Director. “They’re always so willing to help out. Their spirit is amazing – how they seem to know what to do, where to be, how to share with us their gift. It’s truly awe-inspiring.”
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic lay organization. It was founded in 1882 by Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney. The organization engages in charitable work around the globe to support vulnerable individuals and families.
Marcantonio’s journey with K of C began in 1987. when he had a video store business.
“My partner walks into the store and says to me, ‘You’re joining the Knights of Columbus.’ I’m like, ‘I’m doing what?’ The only thing I knew about the Knights was that my uncle who lived in Atlantic City belonged to it. All I ever saw were bowling trophies on the wall, so I thought it was a bowling league.
“Fast forward, and as of January 1, I will be a Knight for 38 years.”
Marcantonio recalls many meaningful projects he has been a part of with K of C, like its worldwide donation drive in response to the Maui wildfires in Hawaii as well as its classic Coats for Kids fundraiser and distribution.
The yearly visits to SJH certainly make that list. In addition to helping serve meals which include a protein, vegetables, and starchy foods, K of C also sets a table outside with clothing that people can pick from while in line.
He says that the staff at SJH make the decision easy for K of C to continue this tradition.
“The people [at SJH], you know, they do a great job. They really do,” he said.
Saint John’s Hospice, a program of the Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, is a nationally recognized leader in providing essential residential and day services, acting as a beacon of hope for those experiencing homelessness. For more information about volunteering or to make a donation, visit www.saintjohnshospice.org.